
Why I Can’t Stand "Time Management"

Time doesn’t care about us. It moves forward relentlessly, indifferent to our wishes or needs. The term “time management” is misleading. We can’t manage time; it manages itself.

What we’re really talking about is self-management. It’s about how we use the time we’re given. Our focus, energy, actions, and priorities are the true variables under our control.

James Clear insight: It’s our habits that fill up our time. Optimal self-management means creating habits that align with how we want to spend our time, not trying to bend time to our will.

Jordan Peterson’s wisdom: Set meaningful goals and prioritize actions that move you toward these goals. Time is not the enemy; aimlessness is.

Jocko Willink’s discipline: Own your actions. Discipline isn’t about having control over time but about controlling your responses and decisions within the time you have.

Let’s flip the script. Instead of trying to “manage time,” let’s manage ourselves. Let’s make decisions that respect our time and lead us toward our goals.

Focus on what’s controllable: your actions and decisions. This is where your power lies, not in managing an unstoppable force but in navigating it with intent.

Shift your mindset from managing time to managing your life within time. It’s more empowering, and frankly, it’s the only thing we can manage.

Remember, time will pass regardless of what we do. Make your actions count, not your seconds.