
Signs to Resign: Jocko Willink's Take

Navigating the crossroads of career commitment vs. personal growth can be daunting. Ever found yourself pouring your heart into work but hitting a wall? It’s a sign.

Commitment to a company is commendable, but what if your efforts to bring positive change hit consistent roadblocks? When is enough, truly enough?

Picture this: You’ve identified a crucial issue, escalated it through the proper channels, even risked stepping over your boss to highlight a serious concern... and yet, no action.

Ignoring worker safety or operational inefficiencies because “it was good enough in the past” isn’t just outdated, it’s dangerous. Your efforts to improve conditions should be a wake-up call, not a nuisance.

There comes a tipping point where, despite your best efforts to advocate for necessary change, the response remains: ‘We don’t care.’ That’s your cue. Your growth and values matter.

Just as in leadership, knowing when to part ways with an employee, the same wisdom applies to knowing when to part ways with a company. It’s not giving up; it’s recognizing when your talents and values are better aligned elsewhere.

It might be time to reassess if you are constantly battling to make your voice heard, with no sign of progress or appreciation. Your skills, your passion, and your safety are priceless.

Remember, leaving a position isn’t a failure; it’s an act of self-respect, and a step towards finding a place where your contributions are valued and your growth is encouraged.
